Leaves of Absence and Time Off

SDSU understands that certain life events may require that an employee be absent from work.  To support you during these times, SDSU offers both paid and unpaid leave programs.  Federal and state law and the applicable collective bargaining agreement determine which leaves are paid and unpaid and the criteria under which the leaves are granted.

For details regarding the specifics of your leave options, please refer directly to your collective bargaining agreement​ under Articles Leaves of Absence with Pay, Leaves of Absence without Pay, and Family and Medical Leave and Pregnancy Disability Leave.

CSU Collective Bargaining Agreements

Leave Plans

For Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employees, please refer to the MPP Leave Plan
For Confidential (C99) employees, please refer to the C99 Leave Plan
For Excluded (E99) employees, please refer to the E99 Leave Plan

Other Leaves and Time Off

SDSU offers other leaves including jury duty, bereavements, time off to vote, organ donation, etc.  Please refer directly to your collective bargaining agreement for details.