Emeritus Designation for Retired SDSU Employees
Emeritus status may be awarded to eligible faculty, staff, and administrators following retirement, provides a continued affiliation with the University, and offers specific benefits. Information regarding emeritus status for staff, administrators, and faculty is listed below. Eligibility for this status is outlined in the Senate Policy File.
*Please note: Based on the establishment of a comprehensive Emeritus Policy, effective July 1, 2023, the informal Retiree 20 program was closed.
Eligibility: Faculty employees shall have served 10 or more full-time years, or the part-time equivalent, either continuously or at different times at SDSU or elsewhere in the California State University (CSU) system and must be eligible to activate their annuities from the CSU system.
The Office of Faculty Advancement, which administers Emeritus status for faculty, submits names of tenured faculty to the Faculty Honors and Awards Committee (FHAC) upon receipt of their notification to retire/retire and FERP. Emeritus status is then granted by a formal action of the Senate, via vote. The Office of the Provost provides an award letter to those faculty who are granted emeritus status.
Please visit the Office of Faculty Advancement website for additional information on Emeritus status for Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty and Temporary Faculty.
Eligibility: Staff employees shall have served 10 or more full-time years, or the part-time equivalent, either continuously or at different times at SDSU or elsewhere in the California State University (CSU) system. In addition to the length of service, either at SDSU or elsewhere within the CSU, employees must be eligible to activate their annuities from the CSU system.
Emeritus status for staff is granted through the Senate. No action on the retiring employee’s part is needed to be considered for Staff Emeritus status, as the Center for Human Resources provides monthly notice to the Staff Affairs Committee of all retiring employees, and the committee will consider nominations for all those who qualify. It may take up to 90 days following retirement for the Senate to formally confer Emeritus status. To expedite the process, retiring individuals should notify HR of their intent to retire prior to their retirement date, and they may notify the Staff Affairs Committee of retirements by emailing [email protected].
In accordance with the Policy File, Administrator Emeritus status is granted by and at the pleasure of the President. The following process is established by the President for the consideration of Administrator Emeritus awards.
Emeritus status for administrators (those in the Management Personnel Plan) is granted through the President’s Office. The criteria and procedure for the consideration of Administrator emeritus awards is as follows:
- Management Personnel Plan (MPP) appointment at the time of CalPERS service retirement
- Ten or more years of service to SDSU (which may include auxiliary organization service or other service within the CSU)
- Overall performance record of meritorious service
- Evidence of substantial contributions supporting and advancing SDSU's mission
- Of good character and reputation with recognition as a role model within the university
- Noteworthy contributions to the CSU, the individual's field of professional practice, and/or the community at large
Nominations and requests for Administrator Emeritus Awards shall be submitted to the respective vice president. Each vice president shall establish a committee of MPP employees to evaluate nominations. Written nominations shall be submitted to the President and include a detailed description of how the President's criteria have been fulfilled.
Benefits of Emeritus Status
Benefits granted with Emeritus status include:
- Email continuation (SDSUid)
- Access to eligible Emeritus site-licensed software suites when licensing agreements allow
- One complimentary annual parking permit
- Library privileges accorded to all employees
- Identification card indicating Emeritus status
Emeritus benefits are outlined in and governed by the Senate Policy File and not determined by individual offices (i.e. Human Resources, IT, Library & Information Access, Parking & Transportation, SDSUCard Office). Please ensure that you have obtained Emeritus status before contacting any of these offices regarding Emeritus benefits or provisions.
Once Emeritus Status is Granted
Individuals will be notified of their Emeritus status through the appropriate department (Faculty Advancement, Center for Human Resources, and/or the President’s Office). The Center for Human Resources will add an Emeritus record in PeopleSoft. This will re-activate SDSUid (email), if necessary and provide the appropriate access to site-licensed software. At this point, individuals may visit the SDSUCard Office to obtain an Emeritus ID Card and use this ID card to access the Library, or login to the Aztec Parking Portal to obtain your complimentary parking permit.